See what possibilities SAT-DOG can offer you and your company
Vehicle tracking
You can check current localization of your vehicle and view its past routes any time you want.
Fuel consumption control
You can check the honesty of your employees in reporting fuel consumption and check their driving style – speed, engine rpm.
Alarm messaging
You can be informed about any alert situation like speeding, need for car servicing and alarm activation.
Export of data
Data from the system can be exported to formats PDF and CSV which enable you to combine our system with other fleet management software.
Reports, listings and charts
You can create various reports, listings and charts that will help you to evaluate work of your employees and help you to keep right maintenance of the whole fleet.
Non-standard features
If you seek a system adjusted to non-standard requirements of your business – let us know! We will try to address your and your company’s needs as best we can.
Types of reports for a single vehicle
Types of Collective Reports
Interface design styles
SAT-DOG give You important informations about Your fleet
Easy Management
Designed to present information clearly and easily manage them
Fully Featured & Flexible
A wide range of reports and immediate data with the possibility of extension of unusual measurements.
Optimized for fast action
You get immediate compiled data from Your fleet.
Notifications and Alerts
Reports alarms, sending notifications to the mobile, all essential for fleet management.